Online marketing is something that no business can do without. In the days before the internet if someone wanted to find a particular service or company their first, and main, source of information was the printed copy of The Yellow Pages. If you had any questions about the service or product over the weekend or in the evening you just had to make a note and phone up during business hours. Getting recommendations and reviews about a particular company involved having face to face conversations with friends and neighbours.
Nowadays, you expect to find the answer to a question on a website, and to be able to get a quick response from a business owner through social media. Recommendations and reviews can be gathered on social media also, while review sites like TrustPilot can be consulted at any time. Customers might not be flipping through the pages of a phone directory nowadays, but that doesn't mean that traditional, physical forms of marketing have fallen entirely by the wayside.
Lots of local business, such as pest controllers, heating oil suppliers, plumbers and heating engineers use digital marketing strategies to get leads and turn them into customers. They're jumping into local digital marketing as a way of having a presence at all times, so no matter when someone is searching for a plumber or pest controller their business will be found online. They're also sticking with one very traditional (and low cost) way of marketing their services – vehicle signage.
Having your business name, services and contact details clearly displayed on your work vehicle serves as a permanent billboard for your services. You never know who might see your van and be in need of your services, so having high quality, bespoke decals from Mint Graphics means your name is always out there, even when you're asleep.
This is even more important when you provide a service that can be seen from the street; imagine you run a landscaping or paving company and your van is parked right next to a job you're doing. Passers-by and neighbours will see the quality of your work and know exactly who you are because your snappy graphics tell them. There are few better advertisements for your work than this.
One great benefit of having vinyl decals displaying your business details is that potential customers will already be familiar with your name and service. When they need your services they will often skip the Google search for “X service in Y location” and search straight for your business, bypassing your competitors entirely. Being a known presence helps lead customers straight to your (virtual) door leaving your rivals side-lined.
In times when shopkeepers are reluctant to have a pile of flyers on their counter, due to concerns about Covid contamination, your work vehicle is one area of offline advertising you have total control over. It will also help drive traffic to your website and ensure that potential customers only consider you for their needs.